Friday, April 20, 2012

Where your treasure is.....

Check out this link for the minutes of the February 2012 Heartland Presbytery meeting. Now you may understand why this particular presbytery is known nationally as the Heartless Presbytery. It is at least encouraging to know that of the 161 presbyters voting 20% (32) voted to cease the wasteful spending of parishioners tithes and offerings on seemingly vindictive lawsuits against former PC(USA) brothers and sisters. Actually, if the presbytery had specific needs for additional properties for worship services both of the congregations, in my opinion, would probably be glad to help provide for this need, even though no longer a part of the PC(USA). That need, of course, is not the case. Couldn’t these funds be better spent on programs to assist the homeless, or provide food for the hungry or to help care for needs of the elderly in the presbytery? According to the presbytery’s own records they have spent $231,726.00 in legal fees between 2007 and 2011.

You may think my use of the word “vindictive” above is rather harsh. To put it all in context take a look at this article about Heartland’s activities back in 2007. Why would I imagine that the heavenly host’s announcement, “on earth peace, good will toward men,” may have some sort of an effect on the Heartland Presbytery? In my opinion the member churches of the Heartland Presbytery should be ashamed of their leadership.

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