Thursday, August 28, 2008


D.A. Carson, in his book "Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church", cites an example of one particular person's move from basic orthodoxy to post-evangelicalism. "(His)...move was from the Brethren Church through Pentecostalism to the house church his present focus on post-evangelicalism. In his case, this includes Tuesday night meetings of a rather different form of church: the lounge bar of a South London pub, named Holy Joe’s. The atmosphere is relaxed: people can drink or smoke, participate as much or as little as they like in the worship evenings-which place a high value on contemplation, candle, symbols, ambient music-and if they don’t like it, they can move off to the main bar." (pg 25)

Is this a set up for a cartoon...or what?’s all true. Google... "Holy Joe’s"!!

(click cartoon to enlarge)


krista said...


pearlygate said...

Great cartoon! Impressive, as it puts it in perspective. Actually, that little gathering is no doubt as acceptable to God as a large segment of "worship" services across our nation. By the way, I loved the video clip on Theodicies. I like that guy.

Jacque said...

Enjoyed reading your blogs...didn't know you were a cartoonist! Very cool!