Friday, November 14, 2008

Talk About Optimism

In April of this year I blogged about A Box of Old Books. This box has been a continual treasure for me, especially a book entitled "Valiant for the Truth, a Treasury of Evangelical Writings." From time to time I just pick up this book and open to a random page and begin to read. Now, this blog may be one of the shortest in my short blogging career. Here is the optimism and encouragement that I read this morning on the first open page:

"O Christian workers, my heart is high with hope. The dark horizon is blooming into the morning of which the prophets spoke, and of which poets have dreamed, and of which painters have sketched. The mountains will kiss the morning radiant and effulgent, and all the waves of the sea will become the crystal keys of a great organ, on which the fingers of everlasting joy shall play the grand march of a world redeemed." (T. De Witt Talmage, 1832-1902)

Talmage was a "Wordsmith". What a way to start the day!

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